**MANDATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES** -Below you will find all directive issued by Judge Bower, and LEO Admin TacticalTakedwn. (1) After speaking with civilian staff they would appreciate if police could assist in enforcing Minimap usage. When officers have Probable Cause to stop a vehicle, they may ask for the player to take a screenshot or video clip to see if they are using their radar, as well as enforce what they are stopping the vehicle for. This will be up to department leaders whether they want this enforced in their department. If you choose to have this enforced in your department, your officers shall NOT take action if the minimap is being used. Instead, they should report it to a General Moderator. (2) Court dates shall be issued 2 (IRL) weeks from incident date. (3) If you are having difficulties getting in contact with a member you have detained make a reasonable effort to speak with that subject before threatening resisting arrest charges, especially if they are attempting to contact you by inviting you to a party. It can be difficult sometimes but it's not whatever you say goes. There is no rule that states they have to join your party, they only need to make contact with you. It's a common courtesy that they join your party, but not a rule. Again, try explaining why they need to join your party through message, or join theirs. (4) Traffic court will be held every Wednesday in rp. You will give the court date to the subject being cited. Court dates are to be scheduled the week after the date of the citation. Ex: If you cite someone on Monday, Apr 16. The court date would be Wednesday, Apr 25. (5) ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES A FINE OVER $500 WILL NEED TO GO TO THE COURTHOUSE AND VISIT THE JUDGE TO PAY THEIR FINES. PLEASE FORWARD THIS INFORMATION ON TO THE PEOPLE YOU CITE IF YOU ISSUE A CITATION OVER $500. ALSO PLEASE ADVISE ANYONE THAT RECEIVES A CITATION UNDER $500 THAT THEY CAN PAY THEIR FINES ON THE BANK TAB ON THE WEBSITE. (6) When writing reports, keep in mind that the courts were not on scene and need the best narrative you can provide. Also, keep in mind that the court personnel don’t know codes. You need to write in a way that the court personnel can understand. If your report is not understandable to court personnel, it cannot be used in court which will jeopardize the case. If you care about you job being done and actually taking time to arrest people, take the time to write a good report. (7) In order for someone to be booked into the jail, there needs to be a ticket accompanying that person. Reports can be filed with the District Attorney at a later date. However in order to establish bond, I need to know the charges. When someone is taken to the jail and the ticket is filed, I need to be contacted. I am available through XBOX or Discord generally 24/7. If I'm unavailable, the District Attorney (CheapSole) will be able to make the call until I'm available. (8) Please stop requesting DOT for towing services, they are not supposed to provide towing services. Last Updated 04/22/18